Donate Today Support APPA!
The American Psychopathological Association has been able to continue its mission for over 100 years, thanks to the generous contributions of its members and other donors. Your donation is crucial for our continued longevity and to help our efforts go even farther. Each year APPA supports travel and registration for distinguished young scientists to attend the APPA annual meeting. Your tax-deductible donations help make it possible for early career scientists to attend the meeting and benefit from programming such as the Early Career Roundtables and mentorship by Council members and other senior Fellows.
We welcome both unrestricted donations to support our general operations as well as targeted donations to support early career travel awards. To this end, Council has recently established the APPA Fellows’ Memorial Award program to honor the memory of deceased APPA fellows. Donations made in someone’s memory will be acknowledged in the annual meeting program each year, and funds will be used to further support the attendance costs of trainees.
Please donate today to help us continue our focus on the scientific investigation of disordered human behavior, its biological and psychosocial substrates, and its environmental contexts.
Our annual meeting registration form will also provide an opportunity for attendees to support APPA by adding any amount onto their registration costs, or by adding a “+1” … to directly cover the cost of a trainee to attend the meeting! For any questions about donations to APPA, including opportunities for legacy giving, please contact our treasurer Susan Santangelo at Thank you for supporting APPA!